!Skifija Fairy Greeter, Visitor Counter, Landmark/Notecard giver, Group inviter v.2.1 Designed to welcome visitors to your sim / store / home , record and issue supporting information.
beautiful design and animations make it attractive to users, which will provide the most complete coverage of visitors.
The dialogue menu contains the display of the current required information and the access buttons for changing the most significant parameters.
Free Memory - how much memory is filled in the "Memory" script.
Changing the time in the time zone in accordance with the American time standard. these parameters are controlled by the dialog menu buttons - <<TimeZone>>; Standard/Military
(information about changes is displayed in the description of the dialog menu).
About You - Provides access to the information settings - Link to your Blog / Website (you can insert several links, but remember the text field entry is limited to 250 bytes (characters), link to the store on the marketplace, Landmark to the store in the world, URl Group(Invite to accept your group), your e-mail (if not installed, then you will not be able to send statistics to your mail).
Group - You can change the group to which the user can join, if he clicked on the Greeting object.(Copy and paste the group url from the group profile in TextBox).
E-Mail - You can change Your email address. (Enter Your E-mail, example: youemail@gmail.com
If you do not want to receive reports by email - Submit this without filling(empty line).
-Scan- access to settings
Distance - You change the range of action(meters).
Seconds - scan interval(seconds)
Text Greeting - access to settings Greeting, Text Color, Alpha(transparency) of the floating text.
Greeting - Responsible for changing the text of the greeting. The name of the new visitor will change automatically.
(Enter a reasonable number of characters, otherwise Text Box will not set your greeting.)
Landmark - settings obtrusive/friendly. Your landmark must be in Fairy Greeter inventory. If you do not put a landmark in inventory, it will not be issued to the user.
Notecard - Your Notekard must be in the Fairy Greeter inventory. If you don’t put the Notepad into inventory, it will not be issued to the user.
Reset - Resets scripts in all scripts and Visitor counter starts working again.
List - displays a list of visitors in IM and / or sends it to your email.
Resize - you can change the size of the visitors counter.
Also, if you touch the visitor counter, it issues a landmark and a notecard, if you secure it and put it in the inventory of the object, as well as send an invitation to the chat to Join the group.
Link: -SKIFIJA- Fairy Greeter, Visitor Counter v.2.1
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